New Zealand wonder the Sinclairs went there

Sinclair Groupings - Australia and New Zealand

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According to the 2006 Australian census, 130,204 Australian residents were born in Scotland while 1,501,204 claimed Scottish ancestry, either alone or in combination with another ancestry. Scots are the third largest ethnic group in Australia. (1)  There were 8,207 Scottish convicts among nearly 150,000 transported to Australia. Interesting enough only 4.8 per cent of male convicts were Scottish, and 9.3 per cent were female. A relatively large number of Scottish convicts were transported for larceny (burglary and break and entering) committed in or around Glasgow and Edinburgh. 

This from Wikipedia -

The first Scots arrived in Australia with the First Fleet in 1788, including three of the first six Governors of New South Wales John Hunter, Lachlan Macquarie (often referred to as the father of Australia) and Thomas Brisbane. The majority of Scots 8,207 of the total 150,000 transported to Australia made 5% of the total convict population. The Scottish courts were unwilling to repatriate crimes deemed to be lesser offences in Scots Law which would have resulted in the deportation and repatriation to Australia, by its contemporaries and was considered more humane for lesser offences than the English and Irish legal systems. 

From 1793-1795 Scottish a group of political prisoners famously called the 'Scottish Martyrs' were repatriated to the colonies. Their trial and plight as innocent victim’s of oppression was famously reported, and Thomas Muir one of the five’s subsequent escape in 1796, caused a sensation and inspired the poetry of Robert Burns. The majority of immigrants in the late 18th century were Lowlanders from prominent wealthy families. Engineers like Andrew McDougall and John Bowman arrived with experience in building the colonies corn mills, while others were drawn to Australia by the prospects of trade. William Douglas Campbell, Robert Campbell, Charles Hook, Alexander Berry Laird of the Shoalhaven, were some of the first merchants drawn to the colonies.

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(1)  webpage - UNSW Press 

(2)  Prentis, Malcolm D. (2008), The Scots in Australia University of New South Wales Press, Sydney.

(3)  Wikipedia -

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